Thursday, June 23, 2011

Three Things Thursday: Take 2

Happy Almost Friday!

1) You know its going to be a good day when you wake up, stumble into the bathroom and find your cat practically in the toilet.  See exhibit A below. Yes- that is my cat Allie drinking from the toilet because she has decided she no longer wants to drink from her water dish.  My cats totally run my apartment. They are the bosses, and I am just there to feed and clean up after them.

2) Yesterday was, my friend and fellow teammate, Sam's birthday.  A big group of Zers met up at PIOLA and surprised Sam for her b-day.  I love surprises, but they really make me nervous.  Before Sam got to the restaurant, my heart was beating like crazy!  I was probably in Zone 4 or possibly 5a while we were waiting for birthday girl to arrive.  I don't know what causes me to freak out.  Surprises are supposed to be fun, and not nerve-racking, right? I guess I just wanted everything to go off without a hitch and for Sam to be surprised. Who knows- does this happen to anyone else?  I really hope I am not the only one this happens to. :)

Happy Birthday Sam!!
My delicious pizza with speck, zucchini and fresh mozzarella.
My awesome teammates!
3)And most importantly- I joined Twitter!  How exciting, right??  I am still figuring everything, and I haven't tweeted yet. But stay tuned!  Oh and you can follow me @TRIing2BIronGrl.

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