Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Terrific Tuesday!

Hey guys! Did you all have a wonderful day?  I certainly hope you did, because my Tuesday was TERRIFIC!  I won't bore you with all the details of my day, but I am going to do a little recap of the highlights.

1) I made it to swim practice this morning! Yes, I know I am supposed be going to swim practice, but as you guys already know, I have been taking a little vacation. So GO ME for getting my bum out of bed and into the pool. 
Taken on my way to swim practice this morning. Normal people are still asleep at 5:09AM!
2) After swim practice I had to go to the dentist.  Most people hate going to the dentist, but I actually really like mine.  She is super friendly and always is gentle.  No yanking on your checks and jamming floss against your gums.  Dr. Reid is AWESOME!  If you are looking for a dentist, let me know and I can pass her information on to you. But the best part of this visit was that I didn't have any cavities! I love having clean and healthy teeth!
Did you really think I was going to put a picture of me at the dentist on here??

3) Work also went really well today.  The crazy long hours are over, but we still have reporting deadlines this week and next week. Translation- I work from the time I get in the office straight until the day is over.  No crazy hours, but no real lunch breaks or cupcake breaks. Just 9 hours of working. :)

On my way home from work. Please note that it is still light outside. :)
4) I had breakfast for dinner!  Nom Nom Nom.  Pancakes, Egg Beaters and Canadian Bacon never let me down. Dinner was delicious.

Well it is now officially laundry and True Blood time.  True Blood definitely makes doing laundry much more enjoyable.

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